Surah al-Fatihah is a Pillar in Salah for the Imam and the Followers

Uploaded Jul 21, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah is a pillar for everyone who prays: the Imam, the followers, and the one praying alone. That's because the reported texts regarding it are general and do not exclude anything. And if Allah and His Messenger ﷺ have not excluded anything then what's obligatory is (to make) a general ruling. That's because if there had been any exception, Allah and His Messenger ﷺ would have surely clarified it, like Allah the Exalted says, (meaning of the ayah) {And We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'an) as a clarification for everything} [Surah An-Nahl: 89] There isn't any clear, authentic hadith reported from the Prophet ﷺ that the ma'mum (follower of the Imam) doesn't have to recite surah al-Fatihah, in the silent or loud prayers. However, the difference between the silent and loud prayers is that: in the loud prayer you only recite surah al-Fatihah, become silent, and listen to the recitation of the Imam. In the silent prayer, you recite al-Fatihah and other surahs until the Imam goes for ruku'.