How Can We Find Salvation from The Differences Occurring between Muslims

Uploaded Jul 21, 2024
Sheikh Al-Albani
Today, we live amongst thoughts and differences that have existed for a long time. This alone provides us with enough trouble and division. So, regarding us, the differences have increased in our era by many, and many things indeed. Some of them are manhaj related, whilst some of them are subsidiary issues [furuʾ]. So, what is the salvation/escape from this? [The path of salvation is] to return back to that which the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was upon. Therefore, we emphasize this and assert that there is no way for the Muslims to unite unless they unite their manhaj. And their manhaj, alḥamdulillāh, is “Allah said” and “the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,” and with that, the matter is concluded. So, whosoever wants safety, then let him traverse the path leading to it, as we have just mentioned earlier.