O Students of knowledge!

Uploaded Jul 18, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
One of the manners that students of knowledge should have is to be eager to spread Ilm (Islamic Knowledge) in every occasion. Know, my brother, that people are in need of Ilm (Islamic Knowledge). Do not say: "people already have Ilm" because people may become heedless or forget. And reminding a certain person might have a greater impact on him than on others. Did you not know that all of the believers read the saying of Allah the Exalted: "Muḥammad is not but a messenger? [Other] messengers have passed on before him so, if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful" [Al 'Imran:144]. Everyone reads it (this verse), yet, people were in the Masjid (after Prophet’s death ﷺ) and Umar ibn Al-Khattāb was saying: the Prophet ﷺ has not died and will wake up and cut off certain men's hands and feet from opposite sides. This is what Umar said. Has Umar not read the ayah (verse) before? The answer is: He read it. Everyone has read it. Then Abu Bakr came, ascended the pulpit, and recited the ayah. So, people knew it was the truth, as if the ayah has not been sent down (revealed) until that night. Therefore, my brother, do not say: "those surrounding me are students of Ilm (Islamic knowledge)," no, spread Ilm. There might be heedlessness, and you might clarify to people something which they did not know. This is a known matter. Spreading Ilm is obligatory if there is a need for it, and if people are asking for it either by their condition, or by verbally asking. As for verbally asking: it’s when someone comes to you and asks you about something in the religion of Allah. As for people’s condition: it’s when you see people disobeying certain rulings of the religion, so they are in need of becoming aware of this disobedience so that they become steadfast upon the religion of Allah.