Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab Is From The Furthest of People From Calling Others Innovators and Disbelievers Unjustly

Uploaded Jul 18, 2024
Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
As for the two Shaykhs [Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab] only speaking with that which Allah and His Messenger have said; then indeed, they did not say except what Allah and His Messenger have said! Whosoever was judged to be a disbeliever by Allah and His Messenger (ﷺ), then he [Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab] judged him to be a disbeliever, and so did the entirity of mankind. The one who was declared a disbeliever by Allah; never speak of him being associated with Islam. The one who was declared a disbeliever by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him); never speak of him being a Muslim. And this is what the two Sheikhs (may Allah have mercy upon them) are upon. They only declared as disbelievers those whom Allah and His Messenger declared as disbelievers - (and their decision was) based on clear proofs from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (ﷺ). And both of them are the furthest of people - and all praise is due to Allah - from unjustly declaring others as disbelievers, innovators or defiants. This is because both of them speak on the basis of knowledge, keeping in consideration the limits of the religion (in these affairs). Their speech does not stem from desires or ignorance, unlike many who falsely ascribe to knowledge or partisan groups do so in our time. No! The two Shaykhs only speak with knowledge, good intentions, fear of Allah and cautiousness from sin. So whoever comes [criticising] the two Shaykhs, we challenge him to make apparent to us clear evidences from the works of the two Shaykhs, that they unjustly and baselessly declare someone to be outside the fold of Islam.