رأى صاحبه في النار - Seeing his Friend in Hell

Uploaded Jul 15, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
A man from the people of Paradise seeing his friend in the hellfire. Allah the Exalted said “A speaker among them will say, ‘Indeed, I had a companion [on earth] Who would say: Are you indeed of those who believe That when we die and become dust and bones, we will indeed be recompensed?'" [Al-Saffat:51-53] His companion in Dunya (life) says "do you believe that after we die and become dust and bones, we are going to be resurrected and judged? do you believe in that?" look how deceiving this is! What is the answer of the believer? Do you believe that you will be resurrected after you die, dipped in the soil, and have become dust and bones? By Allah, I believe that more than I believe in the sun. This bad companion says to his companion do you believe in that? "(That) When we have died and become dust and bones, we will indeed be recompensed?" [Al-Saffat:53] Although he is his friend in Dunya (life), but Allah has favored him (the believer) with adherence. And he became from the people of Jannah (Paradise). Then, he said to his friends (in Jannah) "Would you [care to] look?" [Al-Saffat:54], let’s look at my companion who used to tell me that. "And he looked and saw him in the midst of the Hellfire." [Al-Saffat:55]. (The disbeliever) is in the depth of the hellfire while he (the believer) is in the topmost of positions in paradise. He addresses him: "By Allah! You have nearly ruined me." [Al-Saffat:56]. Meaning you have nearly doomed me by saying: do you believe in this (resurrection)? "...If not for the favor of my Lord, I would have been of those brought in [to Hell]." [Al-Saffat:57]; Brought in to the punishment just like how you were brought in. He addresses him while he is in the highest of positions and the disbeliever is in the bottom-most. And he looks at him and asks (his fellow believers): "Would you care to look?", is that possible? We used to say that it's not possible. It is not possible in this world however; we believe that it's possible in the hereafter without any doubt. But nowadays we found that humans created such things. there are phones nowadays that allow distant conversations and people can see each other through them. Does that exist or not? It does, and who made it? Humans made it. So how would be the creation of Allah the Exalted?! What I mean by that, oh brothers, is not to consider anything that Allah and His Prophet told us to be unlikely. It is mandatory upon you to believe right away. And do not tell yourself or anyone else how would this (certain thing) be, for this is a true statement from Allah and His Prophet