Golden words from Imam Bin Baz

Uploaded Jul 14, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
O Muslims, O you who are Mukallaf (responsible for your actions in front of Allah), take the initiative and show piety towards Allah. Take the initiative and show sincere faith. Take the initiative and adhere to Islam before you bite your hands with remorse and say "Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life (i.e. life in the Hereafter)." Every Mukallaf (one who is responsible for his actions in front of Allah) around the world who did not enter Islam, must enter Islam. He must enter Islam. And my advice to him is to take the initiative to enter Islam before he bites his hand and says, "Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life (i.e. life in the Hereafter)." Allah the Exalted says “And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, ‘Oh, I wish I had taken with the Messenger a way. Ah, woe to me! I wish I had never taken so-and-so as a Khalil (an intimate friend) ” (Al-Furqan: 27-28). Beware, O slave of Allah, beware not to bite on your hands on the Day of Resurrection because of your disbelief or negligence of the rights of Allah. Beware, take action, hurry today before death in adhering to the truth, believing in the oneness of Allah with sincerity to Him, and establish the acts of worship that you were created for; achieve the Islam that you were created for. You are created to worship Allah which is Islam, piety, guidance, and obedience to Allah and his Messenger. Achieve this worship. Achieve this Islam, educate yourself about that (i.e. Islam) before you die, before you are prevented from that. And death… You don’t know When death comes. Not a single one of us knows when death will come whether at daytime or at night. Also, he does not know what might cause his death, so fear Allah O servant of Allah. Fear Allah and quickly follow the truth before death catches you by surprise. Hasten to obey Allah and his Messenger, educate yourself and learn His religion. the Prophet, peace be upon him, said "Allah makes the way to Paradise easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge." He, peace be upon him, also said “When Allah wishes good for anyone, He bestows upon him the Fiqh (comprehension) of the religion. [Agreed upon in its authenticity] Fear Allah, O servants of Allah, let every Muslim fear Allah and consider his actions. Is he upon the way of Allah's religion? Is he upon the way of the compnaions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him? (The way) of the pious predecessors of believeing in the oneness of Allah, obeying Him, believing in His guidance Glorified is He, and believing in His oneness and unity of His Names and Attributes. Let him consider if he is upon bid'ah (innovation within the religion), he should watch out. If he is upon bid'ah, he should watch out. Everyone should consider his condition; is he on the path of Allah that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came with? Is he a monotheist? Does he worship Him alone with no one and nothing besides Him? Did he obey His orders? Did he stay away from what He forbade? Let everyone look and consider. Everyone must look and fear Allah. He the Exalted said: "O you who believe, fear Allah. And let every soul look at what it has put forth" (Al-Hashr: 18) Look at what you have done. The believer looks, the Shi'a looks, anyone belonging to a sect looks, Ansar As-Sunnah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamathe Islamiyah, the Tablighi Jamaat, any group, each one of them looks at what he has sent forth, and what he has done. Is he on the path of guidance? Is he on the path of Muhammad peace be upon him? Everyone should consider and not just imitate. Imitation is dangerous and not permissible. Intolerance is not permissible. Obedience to Allah and His Messenger is required. Beware O slave of Allah. Beware O slave of Allah.