Remember Your Rabb When You Forget

Uploaded Jul 14, 2024
Sheikh Al-Albani
Questioner: Virtuous Shaykh, Aaah.. (he forgets the question, so, he says) "O Allah, bestow Salah (salutations and blessings) upon the Messenger of Allah." Shaykh: {And Remember your Rabb (Lord) when you forget}, {And Remember your Rabb (Lord) when you forget} [Surah Al-Kahf, 24] Questioner: There's no deity worthy of worship in truth except Allah. Shaykh: (It is) because the hadith reported regarding sending Salah (salutations and blessings) upon the Messenger ﷺ to recall what a person has forgotten is weak and incorrect. Whereas, the Ayah of the Qur'an is clear and straightforward. "And Remember your Rabb (Lord) when you forget." Questioner: You're right. It's just that a person is occupied with so many things upon him sometimes. Hence, we ask Allah for goodness. Shaykh: I agree that what you've said is true. However, what is that which you and I should do? It is that we return back to the Ayah. Questioner: By the permission of Allah.