The Categories of Tawhid

Uploaded Jul 14, 2024
Sheikh Al-Albani
So, memorize this and understand it, Tawhid is of three categories: (first is) Tawhid Ar-Rububiyyah (Lordship) and it's crucial. However, when the mushrikun (polytheists/disbelievers) believed in it (Tawhid Ar-Rububiyyah), it didn’t benefit them at all. (That's because) Tawhid isn't complete without the second and the third (categories). Second: Tawhid Al-Ibadah (Worship); it is not to worship (anyone) other than Allah whatsoever, in anything, even if it's to swear by other than Allah. And how often do people swear by other than Allah! The third (type) of Tawhid: It is to single out Allah in His Names and Attributes. You don't describe any human with an attribute from the Attributes of Allah, like believing that a special righteous person knows the Ghayb (unseen/unknown matters), whereas no one knows the Ghayb except Allah.