The Youth Shouldn't be Gullible

Uploaded Jul 14, 2024
Sheikh Al-Albani
However, I advise students of knowledge that, whenever they read a book, they should not be an Im'ah (a gullible person / without a will of his own). They shouldn't be an Im'ah, for example to Al-Albani, Ibn Baz, Ibn Uthaymeen, or to anyone else. Rather, they should only read for obtaining understanding and insight of their religion. It has been reported in Sunan At-Tirmidhi that (a hadith) which is said to be marfoo’ (connected to the Prophet ﷺ), but what's correct is that the hadith is Mawqoof (not connected to the Prophet ﷺ): “Do not be an Im'ah, that you say, ‘If people do good, then we will also do good, and If they do evil, then we will commit injustice along with them.’” Rather, you should accustom yourself to do good if people do good, and if people are evil, you shouldn't commit injustice. Do not be an Im'ah, that you say, "If people do good then we will also do good, if they are evil, then we will commit injustice along with them." Like what the poet said: "And what am I except one among the Ghuzayyah (a specific group of people). If Ghuzayyah is misguided, I am misguided, If Ghuzayyah is guided, I am guided." It is not appropriate for a Muslim to be like that. Rather, (he should be) like how Allah the Exalted said, "Say, this is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me. And Glorified and Exalted be Allah and I am not of the Mushrikeen (disbelievers)."