The Virtue of The Strangers

Uploaded Jul 14, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
Ibn Waddah narrated its meaning from the hadith of Ibn ʿUmar - May Allah be pleased with them both – and its wording is: "Indeed, after you are days, in which, the patient one holding on to what you are upon today, for him is the reward of fifty (people) among you." Then, he said, Muhammad Ibn Saʿid informed us from Asad who was informed by Sufyan Ibn ʿUyaynah who narrated from Aslam Al-Basri, who narrated from Saʿid, the brother of Al-Hasan. I said to Sufyan, "Is this (narrated) from the Prophet ﷺ?" He said, "Yes." He ﷺ said, "Certainly, today you are upon clear evidence from your Rabb (Lord), you enjoin good and forbid evil, and strive in the cause of Allah and the two intoxications haven't become apparent among you i.e., the intoxication of ignorance and the intoxication of loving life (i.e., the dunya). Then, you will change from that (state), so you won't enjoin the good, forbid the evil, and strive in the cause of Allah. And the two intoxications will become apparent (i.e., widespread) among you. So, the one who holds on to the Kitab (i.e., Qurʾan) and the Sunnah at that day (i.e., time) will have the reward of fifty (people). It was asked, (fifty people) from amongst them? He said, No, rather, from amongst you. And with his isnad from Al-Maʿafiri who said, Allah's Messenger ﷺ said: "Tuba (glad tidings/paradise) to the strangers, those who hold on to the Kitab when it has been abandoned and implement the Sunnah when it has died out." The sheikh: These are the ghuraba’ (strangers) who rectify (themselves) during the corruption of people and rectify what the people have corrupted by enjoining good and forbidding evil and holding fast to the Qurʾan when people abandon it. "Islam began as Ghareeb (strange) and will return to being strange as it began, so, glad tidings to the strangers." The strangers are the people of uprightness and steadfastness who carry out the commands and call to Allah when the times have become corrupt, and the people have changed.