The 72 Sects

Uploaded Jul 14, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
Among them is the kafir (disbeliever), and the sinner, (i.e.,) Among the 72 sects is the sinner, the disbeliever, the innovator who deviated, and the innovator who isn’t a disbeliever. However, they all come together in complying/accepting (the call) of the Prophet ﷺ as they are from his Ummah (nation). (they’re) from the people that complied/accepted the call. As for the people of da’wah (that were called to Islam but didn't accept), they are many. The Jews and Christians are from the people of da’wah. There is no value to them, (they’re) from the people of Hell. However, these 73 (sects) are those who accepted (the call of Islam), (they) are those who claim that they are from the followers of the Prophet ﷺ. They claimed that they accepted his call. Those who are saved from among them and secure are al-Firqah an-Naajiyah (The saved sect), i.e., those who followed the Prophet ﷺ and are upon his way/methodology. As for the 72 sects, Among them is the misguided, disbeliever, sinner, deviated innovator … they are of (different) levels. All of them are threatened with the hell fire. We ask Allah for well-being.