Are the Rafidah from the 72 Sects in the Fire?

Uploaded Jul 13, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
Are the Rafidah from the 72 sects (that are in the hell-fire) O Sheikh? Answer: They are included in it. But among them is the kafir (disbeliever). And among them is the Muslim. So, The Rafidah who worship other than Allah are disbelievers. And the Rafidah are the ones who give preference to Ali only. Or they give preference (to him) over ‘Uthman or over Al-Siddiq (Abu Bakr). These aren’t disbelievers, but they are innovators. As for those who call upon/supplicate to ‘Ali and the Ahlul Bayt (the Prophet’s family) and exaggerated regarding them, he becomes a kafir. Or he says: "Indeed, the prophethood is for Ali, but Jibril betrayed," this (person) is a misguided kafir and an apostate. We seek refuge in Allah.