This is Not How You Advice the Muslim Ruler!

Uploaded Jul 13, 2024
Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
As for publicly exposing their shortcomings and mistakes (i.e., of Muslim rulers) in front of people, in gatherings, and in sermons, then this is considered cheating and slandering the Muslim ruler. This leads to Khurūj (revolting) against the Muslim rulers, disobeying them, and causing division among the Muslims. It doesn’t lead to anything beneficial. Allah جل وعلا said to His two prophets Musa and Harun when He sent them to Fir'awn (Pharaoh), "go to him," "go to him." He didn’t say go to the streets and public gatherings and curse him, no!! He said, "go to him and speak to him," "to him." Notice the phrase "to him," (i.e.,) not to someone else. (He said) "and speak to him in gentle words, perhaps he may be reminded or fear." This is how you sincerely advise the Muslim ruler. Moreover, this (situation) is with a disbeliever!! How should it be with a Muslim ruler then?? Allah says for a disbeliever (i.e., Pharaoh) who claimed al-Rububiyyah (Lordship), “go to him and speak to him in gentle words, perhaps he will be reminded or fear.” How should it be with a Muslim ruler then?? You will say, “Neither can I meet him nor can I send him a message.” That’s it then, Allah did not burden you. You are not able? “Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity.” Don’t spread these mistakes (of the Muslim ruler). You say that you cannot reach him, and (that) this is a form of enjoying the good and forbidding the evil. In fact, this itself is the evil. This is not forbidding the evil, this itself is the evil. This doesn’t rectify, it destroys and corrupts. This is part of sincerely advising the Muslim ruler.