The Reward of the One Who Follows the Sahabah and Remains Steadfast Upon the Religion

Uploaded Jul 13, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
It is reported from Abdullah bin Amr that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "What befell the children of Israel will befall my Ummah, step by step, such that if there was one who had intercourse with his mother in the open, then there would be someone from my Ummah who would do that. Indeed, the children of Israel split into seventy-two sects, and my Ummah will split into seventy-three sects. All of them are in the Fire except one sect." He said: "And which one is it O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "(Those who are upon) what me and my Companions are upon." Therefore, a believer who hopes to meet Allah should reflect over the statement of the Truthful, The Trustworthy [i.e., the Prophet ﷺ] at this point, especially his statement: "(Those who are upon) what me and my Companions are upon." Meaning, the one who sticks to the truth is the one who is steadfast upon what the Sahabah were upon and those who followed them in goodness. Also, he must be wary of the statements of the people of Bid'ah (innovations) and division. Seventy-Two, all of them in the Hell-fire, whether kafir (disbeliever), a Mubtadi' (An-innovator), and a Fasiq (sinner). However, the Ahlus-Sunnah are the ones who traverse upon the methodology of the Sahabah and remain steadfast upon the religion. For them is Jannah and honor. As for the rest of the sects, from them are disbelievers, Mubtadi' (innovators), and those who went against the Shariah (Islamic teachings) did not adhere to the truth.