The reward of the one who dies upon Islam

Uploaded Jul 11, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
Islam is obligatory upon the entire Ummah. There is neither salvation nor happiness except with Islam. Therefore, whoever dies upon Islam (i.e., as a Muslim), for him is Paradise, either from the very first moment if he is free from sins, or after the punishment that Allah has decreed for him due to his sins which he died upon, if Allah doesn’t pardon him for them. So, salvation is only through Islam. Allah said (the interpretation of the meaning), {And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him} [Ali Imran (3):85]. Whoever dies upon (a religion) other than Islam, even if he had good deeds the size of mountains, it is in vain. Allah said (the interpretation of the meaning), {And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust.} [Al-Furqan (25):23]. One must have Tawhid, (must) bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship in truth except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and (must) enter into Islam with his heart and soul. Then, after that (come) actions. Whoever is steadfast in regard to (righteous) actions, enters Paradise from the very first moment. And whoever falls short in any of the deeds that are obligatory upon him, or commits sins that Allah has forbidden for him, comes under The Will (of Allah). If Allah wills, He will forgive him, and if He wills, He will punish him according to the sins he has. As Allah said (the interpretation of the meaning), {Verily! Allah forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners (in worship) with Him, but He forgives anything less than that for whomever He wills.} [Al-Nisa (4):116]. Thus, whoever Allah guides to Islam and is free from Shirk (associating partners with Allah), is upon a path of salvation.