The Meaning of Being Steadfast

Uploaded Jul 11, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
In the authentic Hadith on the authority of Hudhaifah – may Allah be pleased with him – (The Prophet) said: "O reciters (of The Qur'an), be steadfast, for if you are steadfast, you will certainly excel/succeed. However, if you swerve right or left, then you will indeed go far astray." The answer: “Be steadfast” means on the path. “Al-Qurra” means scholars and students of Ilm (Islamic knowledge). Be steadfast on the religion of Allah, for if the 'Abd (worshiper) becomes steadfast, then he has excelled/succeeded greatly. And if he swerves right and left, then he has gone far astray. So, what’s obligatory is holding on to what Allah has made lawful and being careful from what He has dispraised (i.e., made unlawful). {Or have they partners with Allah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which Allah has not ordained?} [Shura 42: 21]. So, be on the path, even if sparingly, or by being with righteous people sparingly. This is better than taking a diverted path away from guidance, because it misguides and pushes one away from Allah. In fact, a person upon guidance, even if he wrongs himself with some sins, is on the path of salvation. However, the one who treads upon [a path] other than Islam and desires [to bring] into Islam the Sunnah (ways) of Jahiliyyah (the pre-Islamic period), he is upon a destructive path, and we ask Allah for protection.